May 98 Guest Book Entries

       Date: Thu May 21 19:00:49 1998

       NICE PAGE


       From: Wendy Luebker (
       Date: Tue May 19 14:58:31 1998

       U.S.S.Chukawan Navy Ship

       I am looking for a picture or any info that I can find
       on the Chukawan. I had two great uncles who served on
       this ship and would like to find out more about it. If
       you can help me, please e-mail me at
       Your web-site has been wonderful.THANKS!!

       From: Glenn Towler (
       Date: Tue May 19 09:26:40 1998

       Shiping page

       My congratulations to the developer of this page. I see
       that there have not been many comments from
       Australians! I live in the Port of Hobart which is
       located in Tasmania. For those who don't know where
       this is we are in between Mainland Australia and
       Antartica. We have a small but efficent port with 2-3
       ships on average per week, this includes 1 container
       vessel per week. Your pages are very inforitave and I
       look forward to using them in futre.

       All the best

       Glenn Towler
       Hobart, Tasmania

       From: Walter Lapsley (
       Date: Sat May 9 18:27:17 1998

       M/V Coastal Sentry DEW Line Convoy Summer

       I shipped aboard the M/V Coastal Sentry from Portland
       Oregon as an Ordinary Seaman. We were part of a large
       convoy named Project 28 that delivered material and
       equipment to DEW line sites being built across Alaska
       and Canada. I have been writing a chronicle of the trip
       and would like more information on the ships and from
       other merchant seamen, sailors, soldiers or coast guard
       personell that were in the area. I do know that USCGS
       Northwind, Storis and Westwind we in the convoy for
       part of the voyage. Any information or source is

       From: Pete Shakells (
       Date: Sat May 9 01:40:58 1998


       Interest in shipping is vast and varied. In Australia,
       Patrick's warfies are back to work. The battle was won
       in the courts, but the war is not over. The disruption
       was to 30% of our seabourne traffic.
       It will be interesting to see if the exercise acheived
       the aim of improving the productivity of the Australian

       From: David Naess (
       Date: Wed May 6 11:38:16 1998

       Check it out!

       Just surfed on in while looking for good links to my
       maritime page.
       Pop in for a visit sometime!


       From: Greg Harrington (
       Date: Tue May 5 15:59:26 1998


       I'm looking for a web site that shows the stacks for
       various shipping lines. Anybody know of one?

       From: Sam Childers (Chilsam@AOL.Com)
       Date: Tue May 5 05:59:57 1998

       WWII Merchant Ship Passenger list.

       I served as oiler on the Moore McCormack Lines SS
       Marine Angel. At end of WWII we carried 25 German
       scientist from Bremerhaven Germany to New York. I am
       trying to find a passenger list of those scientist.
       This was in 1946. Please email info to
       This is a terrific website. Keep up the good work.

       From: The Marine Society (
       Date: Fri May 1 05:11:29 1998

       maritime charity for seafarers

       The Marine Society is the world's oldest public
       maritime charity. Based in
       London, we are committed to serving seafarers
       throughout the world. Do visit
       our site and feel free to include a link to it in your
       own site.
       We're at

       From: The Marine Society (
       Date: Fri May 1 05:10:08 1998

       maritime charity for seafarers

       The Marine Society is the world's oldest public
       maritime charity. Based in
       London, we are committed to serving seafarers
       throughout the world. Do visit
       our site and feel free to include a link to it in your
       own site.
       We're at <